
Our mission is to explore and implement best practices to ensure the optimal mental, physical, emotional, and social well-being of our clients. At Everyday Lives LLC we partner with and assist each participant in using their freedom to empower themselves, achieving greater independence, and enriching their lives.


Our vision at Everyday Lives LLC is to create a system of services that implements each individuals’ support plan, ultimately helping our participants reach their goal of achieving greater levels of independence.


In an effort to establish a standard of care for the individuals that we serve, The Office of  Developmental Programs created a methodology called ‘Everyday Lives’, which governs how we approach rendering the services we offer as an agency.

1. We value what is important to people with disabilities and their families, who are striving for an everyday life.

2. People with disabilities have a right to an everyday life; a life that is no different than that of all other citizens. 


    I have control over all areas of my life. My family, supporters, and community know these are my decisions and work with me to achieve greater control.


    I decide everything about my life. My family, supporters, and community help me learn about opportunities and together we make them happen.


    I have the same rights as all other members of the community and I can fully use them. My family, supporters, and community respect my rights.


    Changes to my life are made only with my permission and input. My family, supporters, and community do “nothing about me without me.” They plan with me to meet my needs, now and for the future.


    I want to work and/or have other ways to contribute to my community. My family, supporters, and community support me to find and keep a real job that I like with good wages and benefits or start and run my own business, and/or volunteer the way I want in my community.


    I am healthy and safe in all areas of my life. I, my family, supporters, and community balance health, safety, and risk according to my wants and needs.


    I am respected and valued for who I am and want to be. My family, supporters, and community treat me with dignity and support me in a person-centered way.


    I am a full member of my community with respect, dignity, and status. My family, supporters, and community know me as a person, welcome and accept me.


    I decide who is in my life: friends, family, partners, neighbors, pets, and others in the community. My family, supporters, and community respect the relationships I choose and support me to form new relationships.


    I am dependable and honor my commitments. I keep my word. My family, supporters, and community are honest and fair, do what they’re supposed to do, and keep their word.


    I need people in my life who will honor my life’s journey. My family, supporters, and community work together with me to build bridges.


    I am listened to and understood; my input is valued. My family, supporters, and community listen to me and communicate in ways that work for me.


    I want my life my way. I, my family, supporters, and the community make sure the services I choose are proven to be of high quality.


    I am the best I can be in the goals that I decide. My family, supporters, and community learn how to support me to achieve my goals.


    I am the best person to let others know what I want and need. My family, supporters, and community listen to me and understand what I want and need, and assist me to be heard by others.